Hilda Maha is pleased to provide this website and her on-line e-store. The following describes the terms (the “Terms” that govern your use of the Hilda Maha site, and the services and goods provided through the Hilda Maha site). Your use of the Hilda Maha site constitutes your agreement to all of the Terms. If you do not agree with any of the Terms you may not use the Hilda Maha site.
The information and materials contained at the Hilda Maha site, including the text, images, arrangement and general design (collectively, the “Content”) are owned or licensed by the Hilda Maha, the respective artist or the artist’s heirs. You are authorized to view or download a single copy of the Content solely for your personal, educational, non-commercial use provided you retain all proprietary notices contained in the Content. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any Content. Reproduction of the Content except as specifically provided in this paragraph is prohibited without the express written authorization of Hilda Maha or the copyright owner. Any publication or commercial use of the Content is strictly prohibited. Copying, redistribution or exploitation of the Content for personal or corporate gain is not permitted.